Election Scams

This election year has featured front page stories of hacks and data breaches aimed at political parties and candidates; however, according to the Better Business Bureau, even the average citizen needs to be on guard against election-related schemes and scams that could affect them. The BBB has identified four common…

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How to Keep Your Home Network Secure

Home networks connect a large number of devices to the Internet and to each other. We use our networks with computers, tablets, phones, gaming systems, VOIP, security cameras, and even refrigerators and thermostats! Failing to properly protect your home network can lead to uninvited guests using your network in harmful…

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Hijacking Mobile Phones via SIM Cards

When your mobile phone suddenly goes dead, it could be that the signal dropped or the battery died, or it could be that criminals have taken over your mobile account by doing a “SIM swap.”

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Encryption – What Is It and How Does It Work?

Encryption is a hot topic, as law enforcement and tech companies debate the ethics and legalities of encrypting data. Encryption can keep the bad guys from accessing sensitive data. That’s a good thing, right? But it also allows the bad guys to hide information from law enforcement. That is where…

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Does Anyone Read the Terms of Service?

When installing an app or signing up for an online service, consumers are confronted with page after page of confusing legalese known as Terms of Service, Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies. Carnegie Mellon researchers did a study that estimated reading all of the privacy policies an average Internet user…

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FBI Warns That Ransomware is On the Rise

Ransomware is a kind of malware that can keep you from accessing your files—or even destroy your files—unless you pay. In a ransomware attack, you open a file or click on a link and suddenly your computer freezes up. A message appears on the screen saying that your files have…

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What to Do When You Get Hacked

It can happen to anyone. Even the best security precautions cannot keep you 100% safe from hackers. According to the SANS Institute, it may not be immediately obvious that you have been hacked; however, there are several indications that you may have been hacked, including:

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FCC Proposes New Privacy Rules for Internet Service Providers

The broadband Internet service providers (ISPs) that give consumers access to the Internet can see exactly how their customers use the Internet, what websites they visit and the apps they use. They are therefore able to create detailed profiles about those customers’ lives with few restrictions and without giving consumers…

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Can Macs Get Viruses and Malware?

Many Mac users believe that antivirus and antimalware software is not necessary, and that Macs are immune to the problems that plague Windows users. According to MacWorld, malware writers are less likely to target Mac users because Apple has a smaller market share than Microsoft Windows. Additionally, Apple has included…

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How Misspelling a Website Name Can Be Dangerous

We all mistype a website address now and then. Usually, you get an error message or you end up on a website with a URL similar to the one you intended to enter. No harm, no foul. Sometimes, though, your innocent mistake can lead to a not-so-innocent website.

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Lock Your Doors to Protect Your Identity

We are accustomed to hearing about online data breaches, phishing scams, and other high-tech ways that thieves get information to steal identities. However, scammers are still fond of doing things the old-fashioned way, too. They steal wallets and purses from homes and cars, and take documents from trash cans and…

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Security Cameras and Baby Monitors Provide Information to Fraudsters

Security cameras are useful for watching over not only our property, but also our families. Many security cameras allow users to access a live audio and video feed using a computer or mobile device. The problem is that unless the connection is secure, others may be watching, too. They may…

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Securing Your Tablet

Tablets, such as the iPad and Galaxy Tab, are powerful and portable, and they have become a popular way to connect to the Internet. Many users have even replaced their laptop computers with lightweight tablets. Of course, any device that stores personal data and connects to the Internet can be…

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Fake Email from the Social Security Administration

A recent phishing scam involved emails claiming to be from the Social Security Administration. Although the emails claimed to help consumers watch for unauthorized use of their Social Security Numbers, in fact the emails were designed to infect victims’ computers with malware and steal their personal information.

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